Tuesday, January 2, 2007


I felt your arm snake around my waist
Pulling me against your want
Loved those mornings
You hard
Me half asleep
Smiling with my eyes shut
Your hand checking
Inching lower
Finding me wet
Giggling, trying to keep my eyes closed
You calling me opossum
Pulling me over on my back
Making us both late for work
Now sighing
Awake from a dream
Still late for life


openeyes said...

Sometime ago Kurt Vonnegut wrote that one of his favorite people was Lot's wife from the Bible. The one that looked back when she was told not to.
Vonnegut said that loved her because looking back was "such a human thing to do".

And we do. We look back. Even thoough people tell us it's better if we don't. Love you for that.

The Romantic Flea said...

I find that it is in the looking back that I find the courage to go forward...I don't believe that anything is ever really lost...it just changes with time. If we had love in the past...there will be love again in the future. I know this...but sometimes I need to remind myself.